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File Created: 24-May-2021 by Garry J. Payie (GJP)
Last Edit:  28-Jun-2023 by Garry J. Payie (GJP)

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Name CORONA, SIT, ASITKA Mining Division Omineca
BCGS Map 094D058
Status Showing NTS Map 094D09W
Latitude 056º 35' 32'' UTM 09 (NAD 83)
Longitude 126º 25' 42'' Northing 6274950
Easting 657900
Commodities Copper, Silver Deposit Types D03 : Volcanic redbed Cu
L04 : Porphyry Cu +/- Mo +/- Au
Tectonic Belt Intermontane Terrane Stikine, Quesnel
Capsule Geology

The Corona showing is located 700 metres southeast of Asitka Peak and 3 kilometres east-northeast of Sustut Lake.

The Corona showing area is underlain by rock of the Upper Triassic Savage Mountain Formation (Takla Group). These stratified rocks are intruded by the Early Jurassic Asitka Peak stock about 800 metres east of the Corona occurrence. The stock consists primarily of quartz diorite. Rock types mapped by International Corona in the showing area include pyroxene porphyry, fragmental volcanic, agglomerate, dacite feldspar porphyry and basalt flows with intercalated red greywacke.

In 1991, about 700 metres southeast of Asitka Peak, International Corona collected sample 64609 which graded 0.56 per cent copper and 3.3 grams per tonne silver; sample 64606, taken 330 metres southeast of Astika Peak, graded 0.19 per cent copper (Geochemical Map (showing samples and assays), Assessment Report 22018). International Corona described sample 64609 as a maroon volcanic with stringers and blebs of chalcopyrite, chalcocite and malachite. Quartz stringers were noted in the vicinity. Sample 64606 was taken at a location consisting of epidote pods with quartz and traces of malachite and chalcocite.

See A-4 (094D 087) for related geological information and work history.

EMPR ASS RPT 4603, 4753, *5202, *5437, 9546, 20006, *22018, 24014, 24227, 37708, 38158, 39133
EMPR GEM 1973-410; 1974-304
EMPR OF 2001-18
GSC MEM 251, p. 62
GSC OF 342
GSC P 76-29